Online resources

This section contains links to the LANCHART Centre’s online resources, including search tools, teaching materials and selected data.

The LANCHART corpus

The LANCHART Centre examines changes in Danish spoken language. Our work is based on one of the world’s largest repositories of spoken language: the LANCHART corpus. University of Copenhagen staff have access to the corpus.

More about the LANCHART corpus 

Open data intended for

The LANCHART Centre wants to make our working recordings accessible to a wider audience. To facilitate this, we recorded (with their permission) a number of individual interviews and group conversations with Copenhagen upper-secondary-school students. This data is now available on the humanities’ data platform

Until all of the data is available on, the videos will be available from the LANCHART website.

Access the Clarin videos here

Other resources/open data

Corpus BySoc – free online access to an older corpus of Danish spoken language from Nyboder in Copenhagen.

Corpus CorDiale – free online access to an older corpus of Danish dialects.

Teaching materials