December 2013

We bring a retrospect over the year that has nearly passed and the new year that we are facing: we are getting ready for the Marie Curie application procedure and a media strand round table i Copenhagen - are you?

November 2013

SLICE 2 was finalised – finally – and will come out as a 2013 volume. And Nik (as PI) and I, Tore – with great assistance from our LANCHART administrator Lin – submitted an application to The Danish Council for Independent Research/Humanities which, in case it is successful (we will know in May), will allow for a series of four SLICE Network meetings in 2014-15.

October 2013

The very good news this month comes from Finland where Therese Leinonen has been granted a postdoc position at the University of Turku (Åbo in Swedish) and three years to do SLICE type experimental studies in Swedish-language Finland.

September 2013

We have launched our SLICE website and plan to launch series of SLICE working papers. You can read more in September's newsletter, where we also remind you of novembers LARM conference “Digital Archives, Audiovisual Media and Cultural Memory”.

May 2013

Quite a few of us met in Reykjavík for the 25th Scandinavian Conference of Linguistics - many reacted positively to LANCHART's invitation to cooperate about applications for Marie Curie fellowships

April 2013

SLICE recovers after the HERA Knockout: The LANCHART Centre invites to the Marie Curie initiative for 2013. We would very much like to invite you to take part in it. Some of you might be interested in the upcoming conference organized by the Copenhagen SLICE partner, LARM.

March 2013

We came very close to the HERA Joint Research Programme - but not close enough unfortunately. Read what the review panel's messages to us.

January 2013

- a newsletter of the whereabouts of Nik Coupland (now also in Copenhagen as professor at the Department of Scandinavian Research), SLICE veterans Lena Wenner and Mats Thelander, as well as SLICE new-comer Therese Leinonen. And also something about where we are in the process of HERA application.