Style, Mediation and Sociolinguistic Change – Sociolinguistic Perspectives on Talking Media
Mortensen, Janus, Nikolas Coupland & Jacob Thøgersen (eds.). 2016. Style, Mediation and Sociolinguistic Change – Sociolinguistic Perspectives on Talking Media. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Janus Mortensen, Nikolas Coupland and Jacob Thøgersen
Conceptualizing style, mediation and change, pp. 1–24.
Nuria Lorenzo-Dus
Style, sociolinguistic change and political broadcasting: The case of the Spanish news show Salvados, pp. 27–50.
Tereza Spilioti
Bilingual talk on radio pranks: Styling national identity at times of crisis, pp. 51–76.
Nikolas Coupland
Styling syncretic bilingualism on Welsh-language TV: Madamrygbi The business of style – the style of business, pp. 77–97.
Helen Kelly-Holmes
Brand styling, enregisterment, and change: The case of C’est Cidre, pp. 101–114.
Monika Bednarek
(Re-)circulating popular television: Audience engagement and corporate practices – with special focus on The Big Bang Theory, pp. 115–140.
Joanna Thornborrow
Styling the ‘ordinary’: Tele-factual genres and participant identities, pp. 143–164.
Adam Jaworski
Art on television: Television as art, pp. 165–195.
Martin Montgomery
Talking for fun and talking in earnest: Two styles of mediated broadcast talk, pp. 199–221.
Theo van Leeuwen
The meaning of manner: Change and continuity in the vocal style of news reading and information announcements, pp. 223–235.
Jannis Androutsopoulos
Style, change, and media: A postscript, pp. 239–250.
Nikolas Coupland and Janus Mortensen
Style as a unifying perspective for the sociolinguistics of talking media, pp. 251–261.