End of January 2019

Dear SLICE friends

 Let me begin by sending you all my (belated) best wishes for the new year – which begins with good news from SLICErs in Bergen and Sidney.

From Bergen, Ragnhild Anderson reports that they continue the research into language attitudes in new parts of the Bergen environs. The same experimental approach is used that was used in the previous research (reported in Helge Sandoy’s chapter in SLICE volume 2; can be downloaded from https://lanchart.hum.ku.dk/research/slice/publications-and-news-letters/publications/). So far, it has been established that young people in the municipality of Meland to the northwest of Bergen upgrade traditionally ‘Low’ Bergen speech (relative to the local dialect and ‘High’ Bergen speech) both in consciously and subconsciously offered evaluations. Ragnhild promises more information in forthcoming publications.

From Sydney, Monika Bednarek has the goodness of informing us of her latest publication (see her letter below). She wonders whether it is relevant for the newsletter, so let me insert and stress that I think it would be great if more of us made such use of the newsletter.

Best wishes from Copenhagen



 From Monika Bednarek 

Dear Tore,

I’m a member of the SLICE network, and I have a new book publication out – I am not sure if this is relevant for the next SLICE newsletter, but just in case it is:

The book combines corpus- and sociolinguistic analysis of US TV dialogue with analysis of screenwriting manuals, interviews with screenwriters & a survey undertaken with university students. A special focus of some of the chapters is on noncodified language, including nonstandard language, and innovations.

Book URL: http://www.cambridge.org/9781108459150 Discount code BEDNAREK2018

Kind regards,
