Dear SLICE friends

Please find in the attached file full information (proposal and abstracts) about the panel which Stef and Jürgen organized at ICLaVE 8 in Leipzig last week (May 27–29). An overview of the file content is given below.

Thanks to Stef for sending this information to Slice News – and best wishes to all!

Votre vieux rédacteur

Panel Proposal for ICLaVE Leipzig: Quantitative and qualitative approaches to language (de)standardization

Stefan Grondelaers, Centre for Language Studies, Radboud University Nijmegen, Jürgen Jaspers, Université Libre de Bruxelles


Flemish Dutch is destandardizing: Evidence from speaker evaluation

Stefan Grondelaers1, Dirk Speelman2 & Roeland van Hout1  … 1Centre for Language Studies, Radboud University Nijmegen, 2Quantitative lexicology and Variational Linguistics, University of Leuven


Language ideology in sociolinguistic change: Quantitative and qualitative studies in Denmark

Tore Kristiansen, Nicolai Pharao, Marie Maegaard & Janus Møller, LANCHART, University of Copenhagen


Teachers’ and pupils’ strategies in dealing with monolingual, SLI-driven language-in-education policies in Flanders

Steven Delarue & Inge Van Lancker, University of Ghent (Belgium)


Standard and Colloquial Belgian Dutch pronouns of address: A variationist-interactional study of child-directed speech in dinner table interactions

Dorien van de Mieroop, Eline Zenner & Stefania Marzo, University of Leuven, Belgium


Delineating standard and non-standard varieties: on the need to combine perceptual and productive data

Anne-Sophie Ghyselen, University of Ghent


Flemish Dutch is not destandardizing: Evidence from ethnographic and discourse-analytic analysis

Jürgen Jaspers, Université Libre de Bruxelles


Re-labelling standard speech – Reformulating sociolinguistic values

Lian Malai Madsen, LANCHART, University of Copenhagen


The dynamics of multistandardisation and diversification in a dialect area

Leonie Cornips1 & Vincent de Rooij2 ... 1Meertens Instituut Amsterdam & University of Maastricht, 2University of Amsterdam


Implicit measures of automatic evaluation: Exploring new quantitative methods to measure the perception of language varieties

Laura Rosseel, Dirk Geeraerts & Dirk Speelman, Quantitative Lexicology and Variational Linguistics, University of Leuven


A quadrangulation of attitudinal study: Qualitative-Quantitative-Conscious-Nonconscious

Dennis R. Preston, Oklahoma and Michigan State Universities