Dear SLICE friends

 Good news at the end of September:

(1) Editorial work in prolongation of the Media Round Table (in Copenhagen in June) is in progress. More about that in a future newsletter.

(2) It was Charlotte Selleck’s first month as a post.doc. at LANCHART with the special task of carrying out SLICE Experimental studies in the UK. Charlotte (Lotty) visited us in Copenhagen at the beginning of the month. Pete Garrett and Nik Coupland are also involved in this SLICE Experimental venture in the UK.

(3) Therese Leinonen reports ‘all well’ from her SLICE Experimental project in Swedish-language Finland. Newly initiated collaboration with colleagues will allow for data gathering in even more sites than originally planned. Inspired by a ‘showing pictures as stimulus’ approach presented by Stef Grondelaers at the Experimental strand workshop in Copenhagen i February, Therese is piloting a web-based ‘furniture test’ which those of you who know some Scandinavian language might be interested in checking (my suggestion):


The bad news

is that an application to The Danish Council for Independent Research/Humanities for funding of a series of four SLICE Network meetings – was declined. (It was submitted by Nik Coupland and myself, and is mentioned here because it was mentioned in an earlier newsletter).

Finally, news hors catégorie from Stephen (Pax Leonard) and an arctic poetic perspective on the urbanized world (with its standard language ideology):


Dear All,

My first book of poetry, Arctic Journal, has recently been published.

Arctic Journal grew out of twelve months of fieldwork, living in a remote corner of the Arctic in the most northern permanently inhabited settlement in the world. It is a response to an alluring polar environment and different way of life whose appeal leaves an indelible mark on the mind, changing forever one's perspective on the world. Written in large part during the dark period when there is no sun at all for over three months of the year, the poem is the product of extraordinary circumstances which allowed certain privileged insights into what is happening hamani 'down there' in the urbanised world of megacities and environmental destruction. Battling bitter cold, solitude, a wall of mistrust and the winter darkness, Arctic Journal is a chronological poem of introspection.

The book is available here on Amazon:

All the best,



And all the best from votre vieux rédacteur
