Dear SLICE friends

I have the pleasure of forwarding the following invitation:

Best wishes, Tore


I’d like to draw your attention to the call for papers that has recently been issued for the next edition of the Taal & Tongval conference, which will be held this year on November 25 in Ghent, Belgium. I thought it might be worth signaling to the SLICE network, since this year’s theme will be “vernacular vitalities: old-school dialects, contemporary koines and new urban speech styles” - a topic that might be right up several SLICErs’ alley. We’re inviting contributions on the revitalization and appropriation of traditional dialects, as well as the emergence of new vernacular speech forms, from dialectological, variationist, experimental as well as discourse-analytic and interactional-sociolinguistic perspectives, with a focus on Dutch or other languages. Plenaries will be delivered by Leonie Cornips (Meertens Institute Amsterdam & Maastricht University), Lian Malai Madsen (University of Copenhagen), Julia Snell (University of Leeds) and Reinhild Vandekerckhove (University of Antwerp).

Abstract proposals for presentations can be submitted to until 30 April 2016. The full call for papers is attached to this e-mail and can also be found at

My co-organiser Jürgen Jaspers and I would be much obliged if you could pass it on to anyone who might be interested!

Best wishes,
